The left is controlling you!
by C G Holm
Freedom of Information is a basic principle in the Swedish Constitution. Through the principle of Freedom of Information citizens do have the right to check most public documents. And in Sweden much that is classified in other countries is public. Your tax returns, your dealings with the bailiff and so forth.
This part of the principle of Freedom of Information soon clashes with principles of integrity for individual citizens, something that is ever more critical in the Google world. It is too easy to get sensitive information and the Swedish response has been to legally cut back on the availability of modern computing for processing public documents. But the united left has a company that controls hundreds of thousands of Swedes and sell very sensitive information to leftist media prepared to pay.
Private schools popular in the third world
by Fredrik Runebert
The share of poor families that get education in charter schools has increased for decades. The share of people able to read and write in ages 15–24 has increased from 83 per cent in 1990 to 89 per cent in 2009. Today 90 per cent of children in the lower grades are enrolled in schools. One important explanation for this is the rapid increase of charter schools and private schools not listed by the authorities.
Denmark reveals Cold War secrets
by Bertil Häggman
A two volume work on Danish policies during the Cold War reveals most that could be revealed. Based on previously classified documents the books tell it all. One example is that names of journalists paid by the KGB are published.
Attack against US power supply
Likely terrorists attacked an American transformator station in Silicon Valley. The attack was made the night after the Boston Marathon attacks last year and thus ”disappeared” in media. But a dozen destroyed transformators could bring the entire US grid down.
Communist disgrace in the middle of
Stockholm, by C G Holm
In the middle of Stockholm, on a backstreet yes, but only a few hundred meters from the very center of the city, there is a disgrace in the restaurant world. The restaurant KGB, Komitet Gosudarstvennoj Bezopasnosti. The pub could have been for the locals, but it is situated at the main street for prostitution in Stockholm, with few people living in the vicinity. And the KGB is what it says, a center for communist nostalgia.
New revelations on the world’s worst
dictatorship in UN report, by Géza Molnár
The UN has – how unlikely it may sound – created a commission to study violations of human rights in North Korea. And they have published an unmasking report.
The Chinese economy is starting to tremble
by Filip Björner
The Chinese economy has grown rapidly during the last couple of decades. Mainly because Chinese communist leadership has realized that capitalism is superior, and thus they have let the market economy free. But still under the control of the Chinese Communist Party and without the democratic institutions that are the consequences of a well-developed capitalist system.
New al-Qaida-group formed in Gaza
by Tommy Hansson
According to a report from the Palestinian Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR) the Palestinian authority (Fatah) and Hamas have systematically violated the rights of people both on the West Bank and in Gaza. This should be carefully noted by those who think that Fatah might be prepared for democracy – as opposed to Hamas.